The kea team

The kea team currently consists of three people who are fully committed to the goal of a socially just energy transition.

Foto von Caroline Nwafor, Team der kea

Caroline Nwafor (Manager)

Caroline Nwafor joined the Climate and Energy Fund in 2021 and has helped set up kea from the very start. She manages the coordination office, representing it externally and always keeps track of everything that happens in the kea team.

She also is the program manager for the program Energiesparen im Haushalt: Beratung und Gerätetausch (Energy Saving in the Home: Advice and Appliance Replacement), enabling low-income households to replace old, inefficient household appliances free of charge.

Caroline previously worked at the interface of social and ecological issues, including the WU Institute for Sustainability Management and in management consulting. Prior to that, she had been head of the Stromhilfefonds (Electricity Assistance Fund) at Caritas, providing her with many years of experience in the field of energy poverty.

Anna Wagner (Advisor)

Anna Wagner has been working as an Advisor at kea since December 2023. Her main task is to bundle and process specialist expertise by following current legislative developments, relevant research findings and other relevant developments in the field of energy poverty.

As a former Policy Officer on sustainable development in the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, she has sound institutional and technical expertise which she now actively contributes to her work at kea.

She also is a volunteer at the Austrian Poverty Conference, which works for a socially just society that leaves no one behind.

Foto von Chiara Cardelli, Team der kea

Chiara Cardelli (Advisor)

Chiara Cardelli has been working for the Climate and Energy Fund since August 2023. For kea, she is an Advisor on participation processes and event management.

She also is the Climate and Energy Fund’s Gender and Diversity Officer and Program Manager for Awareness Raising and Young Talent Promotion Topics.

Her previous experiences include participation processes, community and stakeholder management, and climate and health policies at the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft, as well as communications and event management at the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

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